In non-FPGA news, Intel announced Intel Core Ultra Processors for Edge. These processors come with Intel Arc GPU and a neural processing units (NPU) and offer up to five times better image classification inference performance compared to previous generations.
The processors are designed for applications in retail, education, smart cities, and industrial sectors, supporting generative AI and graphics workloads at the edge. Intel also has lower power Core processors for edge as well. These processors offer up to 2.57 times greater graphics performance compared to previous generations.
Intel’s Atom processors, its failed attempt to compete with Arm in the embedded space, lives on in the x7000C series tailored for enterprise networking and telecommunications devices. These processors offer packet processing and deep learning inference capabilities functionality.
The Atom x7000RE Series is designed for industrial and manufacturing applications with built-in deep learning inference capabilities and up to 32 graphics execution units. They support fanless designs and enable AI-automated tending, warehouse automation, and quality control applications.