
Can a simple test help reduce opioid addiction?

When I heard about the new AvertD genetic test, pronounced like “averted,” I was compelled to contact the CEO of…

Venture-backed telemental health care companies are creating a new opioid epidemic

More Americans are seeking mental health care than ever before, but many people receiving treatment have never met their psychiatrist in…

a key to solving America’s opioid crisis

In 1736, Ben Franklin famously advised Philadelphians that preventing fires is better than fighting them. Mr. Franklin’s advice is just…

Unpacking the DEA’s approach to the opioid epidemic

In 2017, Attorney General Jeff Sessions became convinced that the opioid crisis was not the fault of cartels smuggling fentanyl…

How Enhanced Recovery After Surgery solves our opioid problems

In retrospect, we were an addicted nation waiting to happen. Not from a self-indulgent culture, not from an unwillingness to…